Wednesday, June 12, 2013

175 Years in America!

I had a wonderful call from Don Phillips the other day with a reminder that the Phillips (Volp) family has a historical anniversary coming up.  June 15, 2013 will mark the 175th anniversary of our family's voyage across the sea from Germany.   As I made mention in my first blog,  George (39), Marie Christine (37), Henry Ludwig (7), George Peter (5) and Simon Carl (2) sailed on the Schooner Matador and arrived in the District of New York, Port of New York on the 15th of June 1838.  Under occupation, George is listed as a paysant (peasant) from Hessia.  Also making the trip to the new world was George's sister Philippina Volp (26).  Her occupation was combmaker.  We lost track of Philippina after her arrival, which suggests that she possibly married and took a new last name.

To give a broader view of America in 1838: Martin VanBuren was President of the United States;  Samuel Morse first publicly demonstrated the telegraph; tensions with American Indian were still prevalent and the Trail of Tears begins in May;  Kentucky passes a law allowing women to attend school, under certain conditions; Iowa Territory is established;  Duke University is established; and John Wilkes Booth is born. 

Copy of Passenger Manifest - Volp family as first 5 entries, with sister Philippina (26) 4th from the bottom.

Thank you Don, for remembering and calling me.  175 years holds a lot of history and pride for our family.